Monday 12 January 2009

Back in Oz

Hey all,

Well, I'm back in Australia after 3 months traveling South and North America. Had a ripper time and will always have these times embedded hard in my memory.

Thanks for everyone who took care of me during my travels, Nic G in Argentina, Nick S and Yoko for bringing back a heap of crap I had collected while in BA, Matt (and the Kelly family) and Casey and his wife. Thanks heaps.

I'm in Melbourne now, staying with Sue until I get a place to move into and have just had a couple of interviews in the collaboration space which look pretty promising.

Will keep you posted and have a great start to the new year.


Wednesday 10 December 2008

Thanksgiving with the Kellys and Chicago.

Hey all,

Sorry for late insert but have been quite busy checking out America.I've recently had my first thanksgiving ever and what an experience. I really enjoyed celebrating this day with the Kelly family, my mates Matts family.

We had a load of drinks and a massive turkey, the size of which I've never seen before and the Kellys thought I was a bit strange cause I wanted to take some photos. Twas a brill day and I really thank Matts family for such a memorable experience.So, I spent a few more days at the Kellys beautiful home in Potomac area in the middle of an estate. Their backyard was literally surrounded by trees with wondering deer, squirrels, birds, etc...was really really nice and peaceful. From here Matt and I headed to Chicago where I stayed at Matts place, and his house mates, in a nice area of Chicago.

Chicago is mad and a real party town. I loved it here and would definitely come back for another visit. One of the best things is that nearly every restaurant, bar, pub, etc have specials to cater for everyone’s needs and increase competition. We had a some big nights out which included a bad Christmas sweater party at some blokes house. I'm in Hollywood, LA at the moment before heading home (to Aus) on the 11th Dec.

Anyways, this is only a short one but will upload some more pics and an overview of Hollywood later.

Coolio and speak/see you all soon,


Monday 24 November 2008

Uploaded a few Washington pics

Keep and eye out cause I'll add to the Washington pics tomozza!!

Laters, D